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This is a submission for The Pass the game game jam

A simple battle simulator game in which you must build your army to win the battle against your enemy.

- Most basic Unit AI is already finished. Units can find and move towards each other; when they get close, they fight and die.

- Grid system for loading a level and placing units was already implemented.

- A level management system has been created

- The StringParser.cs script will help to load levels from an extremely simple and memory-efficient string, so you can create thousands of levels without them taking up any space.

If you pick my project, good luck with continuing the development. Can't wait what you can improve and add to the prototype.

StatusIn development
Rated 4.0 out of 5 stars
(1 total ratings)


MicroBattleSimulator.zip 5 MB


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Cool game! I will probably choose your game!